
Pictures of our workshop

Pictures of our workshop

If you're interested in watching Kid Crow at his work, click here to watch a speed painting!

Carlos showed us the different kinds of graffiti

Time to be creative: We should desgin our own and individual tag
which we later used to sign our graffiti

Carlos explained how aerosol cans work and 
the features of the different caps

Protection is a must: To avoid respiratory problems we had to wear
those masks which made us look really smart :p

Carlos introduces us to various spraying techniques and how we can
create certain effects like fading or light reflexes

Carlos helped us to get started and to draw the sketches

The artist is at work: Carlos also sprayed a few graffiti

Everbody was busy implementing their ideas

 We hope you enjoyed our articles so far. The next ones will deal with street art artists, types of street art, spraying methods and street art scenes.

Have a nice day!
See you soon!
