General information
Loomit is a German street artist who lives in Munich. In the international graffiti scene hisdistinctive style is rated to the Hall of Fame. Moreover he is a pioneer in the German graffiti
scene. His real name is Mathias Köhler and he was born in Celle (Bavaria) in 1968.
When he was 15 his “career” started because he painted the word graffiti on a water tower inBuchloe. In this time this spraying was a little scandal due to the fact that the people never
saw something like this before. Several years later he got caught while spraying. Since the
lawsuit in 1984 he uses his artist name Loomit. Only one year later he sprayed a Pinup-girl
and their fake names on the train of Geltendorf with six other artists. The train of Geltendorf
was the first extensive painted in Germany, so it was a big scandal in these times. In the mid-
90s he travelled in the USA where he was a witness of the golden days of graffiti. In America
he met other street artists like Seen. From him he learned how to tattoo. Back in Germany he
organised his first solo exhibition in Darmstadt in 1996.
Work and projects
Besides his normal work he also realises projects like Zeichen der Zeit (sign of time) inHamburg (Germany) and Mural Global in São Paulo (Brazil).
Sign of time
Loomit designed the wall Zeichen der Zeit (engl: sign of time) with many other artists.Together they gained an article in the book Guinness world records because they created the
uppermost graffiti of the world. For this project they need 1000 aerosol cans. The work was
placed under the topic time.
Mural Global
In São Paulo Loomit sprayed a wall which involved 300m² together with seven other streetartists in 2001. The wall includes the topics: air, earth, fire and water.
If you are interested in Loomit, check out his documentary (unfortunately it is in German):