

Adbusting / Subvertising / Culture jamming


The act of destroying or altering a billboard or other large obnoxious advertisement. Often done for the purpose of limiting rampant consumerism.


The practice of making parodies of corporate and political advertisements in order to make an ironic statement.

  • Also used by political campaigners (offending opponents, gaining support)

≈   Culture jamming

The tactic is used by many anti-consumerist social movements to disrupt media culture and its mainstream cultural institutions, including corporate advertising.

  • Possibility to voice one’s opinion/answer to the advertisement
  • Changing the message of the advertisement into anti-corporation, anti-consumer, anti- materialism and anti-advertising statements

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  1. Anonymous mural artist from Ghent, Belgium
  2. Obsession for animals
  3. Reveals life, death and life after death in his murals
  4. Animals include skeleton and organs
  5. Paints animals that are native to the area being painted
  6. Uses only three colours: black, white and red
  7. His distinctive black & white style can be found worldwide

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