


Streetpainting is normally done with chalk or brushes on streets, that´s why it isn´t lasting very long. The weather is the streetpaintings „natural death“, because when it starts to rain, all the chalk gets washed away. Normally the artists get financed by passerbys that give them some money, bigger projects sometimes also get sponsored by companies.

The story of streetpainting isn´t known very well, but what´s sure is that it passes back to the 15 century. Probably in Italy they painted religious representatons, mainly pictures of the virgin mary on the streets. That´s why streetpainters in Italy are still called Madonnari, because of the italian word „Madonna“ for the Virgin Mary.

A modern and very popular way of streetpainting represents 3D-Steetart. The pictures Drawn on the Street are blurred, so you can just see the 3D-effect at a special fix point. The biggest 3D-Streetpainting worldwide, which is also a guiennes world record, was drawn by 3D Joe and Max in London and it is 1160 m^2 big and got financed by Rebok. 

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